Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Right to comment !!

During a few decades that I have lived my life, I have seen a few topics only about which nearly anyone allows himself to pass a comment or seemingly an expert opinion. Right! Politics could be one of them. But then what harm does it make if someone says eg. "China is not a sincere freind of Pakistan....", and he is wrong. Nothing big goes wrong....  But I know of one example the best for this case. Best in the sense that it seems at the top of our list of such oppressed subjects. I am sure many of my freinds will agree with me. And they are right! Its Islam... In my view the most oppressed subject, in the sense that every other person you see, is trying to explain what it really is and most of them without any expertise too. "So what?" one might argue; "after all, its a religion and its for all..."
The thing that really makes the issue sensitive is not only the fact that it is a religion, but the fact that it is a 'Holy Religion'; the one sent down by The Creator. And when one says "Islam is ...." he is actually saying "Allah says....." or "HE meant this..." and this is the place where feet must tremble stepping into the arena, fingers must stop writing the words, and tongues must pause to get the mind and heart together with it.... Specially for one who fears the One and Only.... Because he is attributing something to The Exalted, and this needs surity or something dependable......
Must we think about the Right to Comment...?!!

1 comment:

  1. So, what does it imply?

    Keep ourselves tight-lipped about any aspect of religion?

    Not to talk with anyone except to a authority (how to establish this also) and that also to listen and ask only?

    Can one criticize the interpretation given by an 'expert' on religion, which doesn't appeal to one's intellect?

    Need a comprehensive reply for clarification;
    (I hope u won't mind raising such frivolous objections from me)
